
Bukovinskii Tanets – Буковинський танець

Bukovinskii Tanets is from the Bukovyna region of Ukraine. This region lies in western Ukraine on the southeastern slopes of the Carpathian mountains and in the Bukovynian foothills. The territory of Bukovyna is now between Ukraine and Romania. Dances from this region are lively and energetic, and characterized by high stepping and intricate tight foot stamping combinations. This dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.

Presented in 2012 by George & Irina Arabagi. View the pdf here.

Hora din Giurgiuleşti

Hora din Giurgiuleşti is from the village of Giurgiuleşti in southern Moldova. Hora is a national dance that requires a relatively large group of people to hold hands and form a circle. There can be several circles one inside of the other, all moving in opposite directions. This dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Hutsulka - Гуцулка

Hutsulka is a popular Ukrainian folk dance from southwestern Ukraine. This dance has been a very
common participatory dance in villages in western Ukraine, from at least the 19th century to today. Hutsulka is related to kolomyika-type dances. There are many different variants of hutsulka in many different villages. All of them are typically danced in circles that break down into smaller circles and couples, circling to fast-paced music. The name of the dance refers to a girl form the province (oblast) of Hutsulshina. This dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Joc Mare

This dance is a traditional Moldavian dance where the dancers hold hands in a circle. Joc Mare is
popular during wedding celebrations and festivals, and is an essential part of the social entertainment in rural areas. This dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Kievskii Hopak – КиеЬский Гопак

This dance is from the vicinity of Kiev in the central region of Ukraine. Hopak is the most famous and well-known dance form in the Ukrainian culture. This dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.
Pronunciation:  Kee-EFF-skee hoh-PAHK
Music:  2/4 meter  Ukrainian Dance Workshop, Track 9
Formation:  Couples in a circle facing CCW. M’s L arm supports W’s L arm extended in front. M’s R hand on W’s waist at the R. W’s R hand is on R hip, fingers fwd.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Kolomiyka - Коломийка

Kolomiyka is a dance from Western Ukraine, with its origins in the Carpathians. This version of the
dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.
Pronunciation:  koh-loh-MIGH-kah
Music:  2/4 meter  Ukrainian Dance Workshop, Track 1
Formation:  Mixed circle facing CCW. M’s hands are clasped behind his back. W’s thumbs are
in an imaginary vest.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Resheto – Решето

This dance is from the Hutsul region of Ukraine and is a typical folk style dance. The dance was
choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi. The title “Reshet” means “sieve.”
Pronunciation:  reh-sheh-TOH
Music:  4/4 meter  Ukrainian Dance Workshop, Track 8
Formation:  Cpls face CCW in a circle, free arms at sides. M and W do same footwork.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Volynska Polka – Волиньська Полька

This dance is from the Volyn region of Ukraine. The region lies in the northwestern
Ukraine between the Podillia region in the west and Polissia in the north. The Volyn
dance traditions have been greatly influenced by the long Polish rule. The hopping
and spinning steps characteristic of these dances are emphasized by the swish of the
women’s skirts and the lower portion of the men’s jackets. This dance was
choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.

Zakarpatskii – Закарпатський

This dance is from Zakarpatia of Ukraine. The region of Zakarpatia (Transcarpathia) covers the present-day Zakarpatska Province. The dances of Zakarpatia are known for their moderate-paced beat. This dance was choreographed by George and Irina Arabagi.

Presented by George & Irina Arabagi in 2012. View pdf here.