
From the town of Biłgoraj (beehw-GOH-righ) in the southeastern part of Poland
comes the dance Łysy (WEE-see), which means “bald-headed.” A strange name
indeed, but the name is derived from the lyrics of the song that accompanies the
melody. This dance is also found in the Ukraine under the name “Marysiu.” The
lyrics of the song and the melody have a strong Jewish influence.
Biłgoraj folklore has only recently become popular in the Polish Folk world due to
the passion of one instructor who teaches this region at the “Instructors’ Course”
given in Poland each year to young students from around the world. I learned this
dance in 2010 from one of my students, Matt Malacha, who took the course and
returned with an abundance of notes in hand, full of eagerness to choreograph a
Biłgoraj suite.

Presented by Richard Schmidt in 2012. View pdf here.