
Periniţa (translation: the little pillow) is a distinctive Romanian dance of the kiss. Actually, this traditional dance is the most famous dance of the repertoire. Its origin is very old and comes from the south of the country. This version of Periniţa is composed of a Sârba dance (with three basic figures) done while dancing in a mixed circle. It should be noted that the Periniţa, from region to region, will vary. To clarify exactly what defines a Periniţa, one need only look at the story of the dance rather than the steps; in which alternately men and women pick their partners from the circle of dancers. A brief exchange (to be decided by the dancers) and a kiss upon the dance floor while the couple kneels in the middle of the Sârba on a little pillow or an embroidered handkerchief. Examples of this brief exchange could be, a short swirl, a little waltz or whatever comes to mind. Meanwhile, all the other dancers are performing the choreographed sequence. After the kissing, the last person chosen will choose a new partner, while his former partner takes his place in the Sârba. Periniţa was traditionally performed on the night of the New Year or was the last dance of a wedding celebration. Now, each happy event may include it.

Presented by Sonia Dion and Cristian Florescu in 2008. View pdf here.