Ardeleana din câmpie

The Ardeleana family of dances are couple dances done in column formation. Partners face each other in two parallel lines, as in American contras and English country dances. Ardelenele are prevalent in the western part of Romania and found mostly in the regions of Bihor, Arad, and Banat. There are many variations in the region of Banat: Poarga, Ardeleana Jute, Mânânelul and De Doi. Couple dances there are elegant and usually involve sequences where the play of arms, circle movements, patterns and turns (by the woman) are harmonious. The style is characterized by small steps with knees flexed and on the balls of the feet, producing an effect of light, flowing movement. Presented in 2007 by Sonia Dion and Cristian Florescu. View the pdf here.